Water Testing
Listed here are some of the most common drinking water problems we find in New Hampshire. Not only can these affect your health but also can make maintaining your home challenging – we have all seen those ugly stains in the bathroom sink and on plumbing fixtures!
samples are collected and brought to an independent laboratory for analysis. Water testing usually takes three days and the results will be emailed directly to you and your agent if requested. We know the real estate industry has short deadlines, and we make every effort to obtain water samples before your inspection so you will not be kept waiting for results.
Are you looking for information about water filtration systems? We are proud to be one of the first inspectors in the state to be certified for the evaluation of water filtration systems
Radon (Water)
Radon is a gas produced by the decay of the radioactive elements uranium and radium. This comes from the bedrock under our homes. It is colorless and odorless. The gas can be found in the soil and released into the well water. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon mitigation systems for water depend on the levels in the water. Typically they consist of aerators that introduce air into the system, removing the gas before it enters the home’s plumbing system.
Arsenic is naturally found in wells from the fractured bedrock that occurs during the drilling process. Agricultural and industrial practices can increase the presence of arsenic. When in water, even at high levels, it has no color or odor. Over time, drinking water with arsenic can cause it to accumulate in the body and lead to an increased risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. Since arsenic is not absorbed through the skin, the remedy would be a Reverse Osmosis drinking water system.
Metallic elements that are commonly found in soil and rock. Sometimes iron pipes can also be the source of iron in the water. High levels of these minerals often cause orange or brown staining on fixtures, appliances, and clothing. They are not considered health hazards but may give the water an unpleasant, bitter, metallic taste

Water Quality Testing
Home Inspections we offer water quality testing as an add-on. This type of test will determine if your water is safe to drink. We will draw two samples from your house’s water supply and deliver it to a lab where the chemist will then run a series of tests to determine the quality of your water supply
Drinkability of water should always be tested for private well water, but some homes on a public water supply may benefit from their water tested since some types of water supply lines inside the house can cause water quality issues.
The short answer is yes. If your house has a well then, your water needs to be tested because there is absolutely no oversight for the quality of your water other than what you proactively choose do do. A private well on your property can have a significant number of issues with the quality of the drinking water from the minor issues such as taste to the major issues such as E.coli bacteria. If your house is connected to a public water supply it doesn’t necessarily need to be tested, but some houses have pipes in them that can cause water quality issues.
Private wells should always be tested and should be tested regularly to ensure that water is safe to drink. Public water supplies are tested by the governing body that provides the water and their test results should be public record. Unfortunately, these public water supply tests are not done at your tap and there are many things that can happen inside your house that could cause the water quality to be lower than what the public water utility is providing.
Repairs for water issues can range from a few hundred dollars to install a new filter system to an unfixable issue that prevents your home from ever having safe water to drink. If your well water is unsafe and unfixable, the property value will plummet and the house may have to be abandoned.
Water Testing
Lead is a common metal found throughout the environment in lead -based paint, air, soil, household dust, food, certain types of pottery, porcelain, pewter, and in drinking water. Lead can pose a significant risk to your health. It can cause damage to the brain, red blood cells and kidneys. The greatest risk is to young children and pregnant women. Lead has been shown to slow down normal mental and physical development of infants and children.
Lead enters drinking water primarily as a result of the corrosion, or wearing away, of materials containing lead in the water distribution system and plumbing. These materials include lead-based solder used to join copper pipe, brass and chrome plated faucets, and in some cases, pipes made of lead.
You can evaluate various means to reduce lead levels. This may include replacing fixtures and piping that may be contributing lead to the water and/or installing chemical corrosion control treatment. The program selected should be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the EPA
Lead levels in your drinking water are likely to be highest if:
Your home has faucets or fittings of brass which contains some lead, or
Your home or water system has lead pipes, or
Your home has copper pipes with solder, and
The house is less than five years old, or
You have naturally soft water, or
Water often sits in the pipes for several hours.
Q: Why is lead a problem?
A: Although it has been used in numerous consumer products, lead is a toxic metal now known to be harmful to human health if inhaled or ingested. Important sources of lead exposure include: ambient air, soil and dust (both inside and outside the home), food (which can be contaminated by lead in the air or in food containers), and water (from the corrosion of plumbing).

Well Water
Home buyers whose properties are served by well water need to test that the water purity is satisfactory and healthy. In addition, home buyers are typically required to have water quality testing as a condition to mortgage approval.
Drinking and bathing in contaminated water can cause serious health problems for your family.
If you are purchasing a home with a private well, you should also be concerned about its physical condition.
Sometimes a well becomes contaminated because it is defective. In other words, it’s not the water source that’s the problem, it’s the well itself. Wells can be very expensive to repair or replace ($5,000 – $10,000 per well).Your lender may require that the well pass a water test prior to loan approval.
Whether you are purchasing a home or have lived in yours for a long time, a private well should be tested for the most common contaminates: bacteria, nitrates, nitrites and lead.
Millions of live in homes connected to private wells. Whether they’re for bathing, drinking or the plumbing, these wells are key components of the property. Therefore, it’s equally important – if not more so – that the water is tested to ensure safety and quality. However, many home buyers overlook this critical step when in the market for a new home, simply because it’s not a problem for every listing – only those that are hooked up to private wells
If you’re asking why you should test the water in a private well, the answer is simple: your family’s health and safety. Contaminated wells can contain bacteria, nitrates, nitrites and lead. More extensive tests also look for chlorine, clarity of water, iron and even the pH level. All this is done to ensure that the quality is safe not just for toilets, but also for bathing and drinking.
While the health and safety of the residents is paramount, there’s another reason why testing the water is a must before buying a home. A damaged well – or a well with low-quality water – could lead to delays in closing and even impact the property’s overall value. This water supply is integral to homes connected to private wells, and any problem, even a minor one, affects the livability of the house. If the buyer finds that the well is contaminated, he or she could either request a lower purchase price or walk away completely. In many cases, it would at least lead to a delay in closing.
Provide additional tests for water. The presence of bacteria, lead, and/or nitrate in your home’s water supply can indicate septic tank failure, well/pump problems, and most importantly, cause immediate health risks to those living in the home. Water testing helps identify potential problems with the water supply and allows us to suggest feasible courses of action to address these issues.
Well Inspections
well inspections involve evaluating the functionality of the well pump as well as proper water flow at fixtures throughout the home. A bacteria sample is included with all of our well inspections. Additional water tests such as Lead, Nitrate / Nitrite may also be added for an additional cost.
offers the following water tests:
Bacteria only
Lead in water
Nitrate / Nitrite