How To Find The Best Veterinarian

Questions To Ask When Shopping For A New Veterinarian

First question: Will the new veterinarian will accept services provided by your old veterinarian? For example, will they accept the vaccines that your veterinarian provided or insist on starting things all over? Over vaccination is a tremendous problem and leads to health issues. The perception is if a patient is ill it needs to be revaccinated. In truth, because that patient is ill, the last thing it needs is more vaccines. Vaccines should be given to healthy patients, not sick patients. When unhealthy patients are vaccinated, or a vaccine series is repeated by a new veterinarian, it is simply a moneymaking procedure.  Beware!!

Second question: Does the potential new veterinarian believe in three-year vaccinations or vaccinating every year? Some veterinarians argue that annual boosters get the pet in for annual exams. The reality is annual vaccinations get the pet in for annual exams. Every year of life for a dog or cat is somewhere between five and eight years for a human. It’s good to have things checked out as they can change in that period of time. However, using unnecessary procedures is dangerous for the pet and only lines the pocket of the veterinarian.

Third question: How does the new veterinarian’s office interact with your pet? Is she (these days, most veterinarians are women) down at eye level with your dog? Or is she standing with the table in between you? Does she play with your cat and scratch it under the chin? Or does she leave it in the carrier and let her assistant hold? For most pet owners, dogs and cats really are part of the family and most pet owners want to see that same emotion shared by their veterinarian.

Fourth question: Does your new veterinarian take your dog or cat out of the room for procedures? Or involve you and explain what’s going on? Most pet owners wonder what happens behind closed doors when their pet is taken away unless it is fully explained.

Fifth question: Does your potential new veterinarian follow protocols or deliver procedures specific for your pet and your pets’ needs? An example would be with puppies. Puppies and kittens are pretty much always born with worms; it’s just part of the lifecycle of parasites. It is understood by just about the whole world that puppies and kittens should be dewormed when they are weaned. But what comes next? Does your potential new veterinarian follow protocol and insists on more medication? Or does your veterinarian tailor to the needs of your animal and perform a fecal exam? If there are no worm eggs in a fecal sample then there is no reason to deworm.

Questions to Ask Your New Veterinarian

Did you get a new pet and need to find a veterinarian? Or maybe you moved to a new town and have to look for a new vet. There are lots of reasons why we might be in the market for a new veterinary practice to take care of our companion animals. But whether you’re a first-time pet owner or have cared for animals all your life, there are a few key questions you should be asking any new vet. We’ve gathered the best advice from the experts on what to ask a prospective vet:

1.What services are available at the practice? This includes things like X-ray and ultrasound, lab work, and EKG.

2. How does the vet handle emergencies? Some will take your call outside of office hours, some won’t. If they don’t, what emergency clinics do they recommend?

3. What is their vaccination “policy” in terms of what they think is essential vs. optional, and will they accommodate your preferences?

4. Does the practice recommend that you get pet insurance?

How can I prevent my puppy from getting injured or sick?

Just as with children, consistency and discipline are necessary to ensure puppies develop into well-behaved adults who are pleasant to be around and can acclimate to the stressors of everyday life. I believe that training should begin as soon as you get your puppy, regardless of age. Basic guidance, like getting your dog’s attention with a treat, can start on Day 1. Once you have your puppy’s attention, you can work up to having him sit, stay, come, lie down, walk on a dog leash and perform other necessary actions by using positive reinforcement. The best way to avoid trauma and illness is by having your dog stay under close observation and within the confines of a short lead (i.e. non-retractable leash) or demarcated space (dog crate, gated room, etc.) so that dietary indiscretion (eating something one should not), escaping, or less-than-friendly interactions with other animals (including wildlife) do not have the potential to occur.

I recommend all dog owners — and especially new puppy parents — seek the guidance of a reputable dog trainer to ensure that the most appropriate training techniques are being implemented. Good behavior exhibited by a well-trained dog fortifies the owner-companion animal bond and will have positive ramifications for life.

Critical Questions

1. Can you schedule a “meet and greet” appointment at no charge to meet the veterinarian and his/her support team and tour the facility?

You should be given an opportunity to meet with the veterinary staff prior to making the critical decision of who to trust with the care of your pet. You should also have the opportunity to ensure that the facility is modern, clean, and equipped to deliver high-quality veterinary care.

2. Are the preventative health care recommendations up to date with the most current scientific research available in veterinary medicine?

Over the last decade, recommendations in veterinary medicine have moved from “one size fits all” medicine to customizing recommendations for each patient. Regarding vaccinations, studies indicate that your pet may not need to be vaccinated as frequently as previously recommended. Your veterinarian should customize the recommendations for your pet based on the pet’s specific history, age, physical exam findings, and risk factors.

3. Will your veterinarian work closely with specialists and does he/she have immediate access to the most recent developments and findings in veterinary medicine?

The knowledge base in veterinary medicine continues to expand exponentially so that it would be impossible for veterinarians to practice quality medicine without the support of specialists. Your veterinarian should regularly consult and offer referral to one or more of several specialty practices in our area. In addition, if your veterinarian is a member of the Veterinary Information Network he/she has immediate internet access to specialists in all areas and has the ability to search the largest and most up to date database in veterinary medicine today.

4. Will physical examination findings and veterinary recommendations be in a written format for each visit?

Upon leaving a veterinary hospital after a visit, it is often hard to remember all that was communicated about and for your pet. With each visit, your veterinarian should provide you with written examination findings and recommendations for optimal health. These exam findings and recommendations should be a part of your pet’s permanent medical record.

5. Are fees clearly presented & explained prior to delivery of professional services?

High-quality veterinary care does not come without cost. It is important that your veterinary team present in written form and thoroughly explain all fees before the delivery of services. Estimates should be agreed upon in writing before major procedures, hospitalization, or surgery.

Do I need to vaccinate my puppy?”

I am aware of the controversy concerning whether or not children should get vaccines. Because of this, some pet owners also question whether their puppy needs to receive vaccines. But just like in humans, we are fortunate to have vaccines as they provide immunization against many diseases.

The immune systems of dogs and cats respond differently than ours, and not vaccinating dogs has and will lead to significant canine health problems. In my city, rabies vaccination is required by law, and there are several other vaccines that veterinarians recommend on a routine basis.

During the initial examination, your veterinarian can present to you the safest immunization strategy for a developing dog depending on a variety of factors, including the puppy’s age, when the puppy was weaned (stopped nursing from mom), the previous vaccination history, and the current health status. In veterinary medicine, we are fortunate to have vaccinations that prevent infection of specific viruses and bacteria that can be safely administered under our guidance. The “core” vaccinations are those that can protect against infection with fatal diseases (distemper, parvovirus, leptospirosis, rabies, etc.). The “non-core” vaccinations help defend against non-fatal but still significant diseases (Bordetella, lyme, etc.).

Ideally, puppies should only be vaccinated when they are not currently battling other underlying illness (gastrointestinal parasite infestations, respiratory tract infections, etc.). To monitor the immune status of your pup when he has been vaccinated, immune system proteins (antibodies) can be checked by performing an antibody titer (VacciCheck, etc.) and this will ensure that the vaccination series has achieved the intended goal of producing immunity.

Another thing to keep in mind: In addition to protecting your dog from disease, you can help control the spread of the disease to other dogs. So what is good for the individual pup is also benefiting the overall dog population in decreasing the spread and outbreak of disease.

Information On How To Become A Chiropractor Professionnal

Evidence-Based Chiropractors: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

One of our  greatest professional assets is the opportunity to spend quality time with our patients.  Our ability to actively listen to a patient’s problem and accurately diagnose their condition is also our primary new patient generator.  Yes, long-term practice success is a side effect of clinical excellence.

A basic history and exam allow us to determine WHAT tissue was injured, and possibly WHY that tissue was predisposed to injury. But we will be only able to determine HOW an injury occurred by carefully listening to our patients. Complete resolution of symptoms requires an understanding of the HOW, WHAT, and WHY.


Peer-reviewed research is necessary for evidence-based practice.  This Foroughi paper is well-written and provides valuable insight into rehab for anterior knee pain. The author defines PFPS by what sometimes is referred to as the “WHAT”- or ICD-10 code. To be reimbursed by insurers, we need to know how to recognize the involved anatomical tissue.

The authors also go one step further to understand the “WHY” by suggesting that the “lumbopelvic-hip complex” may play a role in PFPS.  We know that hip abductor weakness is common in patients with PFPS.  Accordingly, the authors expand on traditional rehab with the inclusion of appropriate postural training.

Training on an unstable seat apparatus, which eliminates the influence of lower body movements on balance control, may have potential benefits for enhancing core muscle neuromotor control. The dynamic challenges of unstable sitting balance require a combined feedforward-feedback strategy in the trunk musculature to maintain spinal stability and postural equilibrium. Under such conditions, a strategy of spine stiffening through pre-activated, low-level muscle coactivation along with continuous trunk muscle adjustments in response to unstable sitting perturbations are needed to maintain trunk postural control.

Defining “WHY” means determining the causative factors behind a specific diagnosis—core instability, hip abductor weakness, scapular dyskinesis, etc.  The ability to recognize the “WHY” is a skill that separates great clinicians from their mediocre peers.

The Bad

First, the bad ones (I know, it’s not the order in the title, but this is the best way to present it). These are the ones you hear about mostly, the ones who claim that correcting vertebral subluxations (misalignments of vertebrae) can cure literally any disease in the body. At that point, you should be immediately suspicious. One of the first rules I use when dealing with medical woo claims is “There is no Panacea.” A single pill or procedure that claims to cure everything is almost always bogus; the body just doesn’t work like that. Aside from that, how about the fact that there is no evidence to support their claims. As one Chiropractor famously said, “That’s why we never use double-blind tests. They never work.”

Many of these Chiropractors belong to the International Chiropractors Association (ICA), the American Chiropractors Association (ACA), the National Association for Chiropractic Medicine, or the European Chiropractors Union. They have their own distinctions within themselves, but I’m not going to bother with it. It’s just a minor difference in what brands of woo they subcribe to.

The Ugly

It is a fact that there are several misconceptions about the capabilities and strengths of a chiropractor. Several people have unreasonable expectations from them. Chiropractors are trained for relieving the pain and suffering, but they aren’t the ‘one-point solution’ for all your problems. When they diagnose the problem correctly, they deliver much higher value than expected. For that, it is also vital that the chiropractors understand the ‘what,’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ part before performing the treatment.

Once the three questions are answered, the chance of exceeding patient expectation is high.  Another ugly part with chiropractors is sometimes; they do not stop the treatment and suggest the patients to meet some expert.  Even if there is no significant improvement happens after a few sittings, they prolong it as much as they can. It is not that there are always commercial interests, they just don’t want to give up.

In such condition, the patient gets the proper treatment delayed, and the case becomes complex. o Stapleton Chiropractic is the experienced chiropractor in Adelaide has Over 40 year’s professional experience in neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain and sciatica pain with aim to provide patients with quality chiropractic care at the most cost- effective price servicing in western and southern suburbs of Adelaide.

what is Posture, Ideal Posture or an Ideal Spine?

Posture is the way your body is held in space – standing and sitting under gravity (gravitational load). If your body has proper posture, there is balance to your physical structures and your spine requires minimal effort to maintain your body in a neutral position. Certain physical structures in your body line up correctly with your center of gravity.

At Integrity Chiropractic, our doctors evaluate your posture visually from the front and the side as well as measure it on x-rays for a complete analysis. This has been extensively studied and normative values have been published.

There are over 220 published papers on CBP technique of correcting abnormal postures towards normal. Ask your CBP chiropractor to evaluate your posture according to the literature.

Typical Body Stressors of Bad Posture
Medical doctors have reported, and chiropractors agree that for every inch that your head is held forward, an additional 10 pounds of pressure is placed on the supporting tissues of your neck and shoulders. Muscles along the rear of your neck and the upper back are required to accommodate for this extra load. As a result, they’ll experience greater stress and strain.

Whenever the position of your body moves away from its center of gravity, your joints are taken out of their normal, stress-free positions and initiates abnormal wear and tear. Over time, joint cartilage erosion, bone spurs and pinched nerves are evidence of this phenomenon.

Are all chiropractors this crazy?!

Chiropractors fall into three main groups, often referred to as “straights”, “mixers” and “reformers”.
These guys are the 100% pure crackpots of the group. They really believe that all human illnesses result from subluxations. Evidence is not their strong suit. They have a philosophical outlook on medicine, not a science-based approach. About 15% of chiropractors are straights. That’s more than I’d like, but I’m thankful the number isn’t larger because these people are truly crazy.

This is by far the smallest group. They make up about 2% of chiropractors. They believe in eschewing the subluxation theory in favour of an evidence-based approach to chiropractic. In their view, chiropractic treatment should be restricted to muscular-skeletal ailments, the only area in which it has been conclusively shown to have any net positive effect.

This group is complicated. They make up the ~83% of remaining chiropractors. On the face of it it seems these guys should be more rational than the straights because they accept that not all disease is cured by spinal manipulation. In general they believe in the germ theory of disease and their practice is not limited to fixing subluxations. The problem is, although they promote other forms of treatment, in a very large number of cases (probably a majority, although I’m having trouble finding the numbers) they promote other alternative modalities in lieu of evidence-based medicine.
Many mixers supplement their subluxation therapies with homeopathy, acupuncture and other well known fraud-based medicine modalities. This isn’t surprising considering the anti-scientific approach to medicine that is positively rife within chiropractic circles.

Chiropractic schism cliffs
— Chiropractors range from the positively insane to the rational, but are heavily weighted towards the insane
— Straights reject the germ theory of disease and practice only subluxation therapy
— Reformers may as well by physical therapists, because that’s what they do
— Mixers are complicated but in general still believe in subluxation therapy and often compliment it with other unscientific modalities

Pediatric Physical Therapists

How to Select a Pediatrician

Choosing a pediatrician for your baby is no easy task. After all, this doctor will help your little one through childhood vaccinations, nasty colds, and everything in between. But when should you start looking for a pediatrician, and what criteria should you focus on?  Here are our top tips for choosing the best pediatrician near you.

When Should I Look For a Pediatrician?

Start looking for pediatricians while you’re still pregnant—preferably between 28 and 34 weeks along. “It’s important to have a pediatrician you’ve already met and respect, because you have enough going on after the baby is born,

There’s also another benefit of finding a pediatrician early: Dr. Alessandrini’s recent study, which she co-authored, found that babies who see the same doctor for their first 6 months are up to twice as likely to receive important health tests before they turn 2. Sticking with the same doctor also prevents wasted time on things like “going over whether immunizations are up to date,” she says. “If you have a continuing relationship with a doctor, you have the time and comfort to go deeper.”

How to Research a Pediatrician

Searching for a pediatrician may seem daunting, but remember that you’re not trying to find “the best doctor in the world.” You’re simply looking for the most effective doctor for you, your partner, and your future child. Here are some tips.

Get references. Everyone has different criteria for picking a pediatrician, so you should collect at least three names from friends and coworkers. (If you’re short on preferred doctors, try the American Academy of Pediatrics’ referral site at Also look into the hospitals that your candidates are affiliated with; you’ll want one that’s both convenient and reputable.

How to Choose the Best Pediatrician for Your Child

Parents seem to go to a lot of different extremes when choosing a pediatrician.

Some do almost nothing and simply choose the pediatrician on call in the hospital when their baby is born or pick a doctor randomly from a list in the phone book or their insurance directory

The Importance of Choosing a Pediatrician

Choosing the right pediatrician is more important than most parents think. While you can simply change doctors if you don’t like the first pediatrician you see, if your newborn or older child is truly sick, the first doctor you see could be making life-changing decisions about your child. Or they could miss a potentially life-threatening problem.

Pediatrician Recommendations

A common way for parents to choose a pediatrician is to get a recommendation from their friends or family members. This is probably one of the best ways, but when someone tells you that they love going to their pediatrician, be sure to ask why before you blindly follow them to the same office.

Many parents have different needs and you may be really turned off by the reason that they like their doctor. For example, they might like that their pediatrician is really fast and they are in and out of the office quickly, while you might like someone who moves slower and spends more time during the visit, even if it means that you have to wait a little longer for your appointment. Or your friend might like that their pediatrician prescribes an antibiotic every time they walk into the office, whether or not they need one.

How to Choose a Pediatrician

When looking for a pediatrician to care for your baby, you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to find someone both you and your partner feel comfortable with. So it’s a good idea to begin choosing a pediatrician at the beginning of your third trimester. Ask your OB and trusted family and friends for recommendations. These questions can help you choose the right pediatrician for you.

Does this doctor have a good reputation?

What is this doctor’s training and experience?

Does the pediatrician respect my philosophy on breastfeeding and immunizations?

Does the doctor listen to me and explain things clearly?

Will my child see the same doctor every time?

 Who covers for the pediatrician when he or she is not available?

Is my spouse or partner comfortable with this doctor?

Is the office staff pleasant and helpful?

Is the office location convenient?

How long does it take to get an appointment?

How long will my child and I spend in the waiting room?

Does the pediatrician offer evening and weekend hours? Who sees my child during these hours?

How are emergencies and after-hour calls handled?

What hospital is the pediatrician affiliated with?

Does my insurance cover this doctor’s services?

Choosing a Pediatrician

Choosing a pediatrician might not appear to be important early in pregnancy, but selecting a pediatrician is very important. Many women begin their search for a pediatrician during their second trimester of pregnancy

What is a Pediatrician?

A pediatrician is a medical doctor that specializes in the care of infants, adolescents, and children as old as 21. Many pediatricians are also trained in subspecialties such as neonatal medicine and cardiology.

What services do Pediatricians provide?

Pediatricians provide preventive care to healthy children and medical care to children with illnesses. The care they provide includes physical, mental and emotional support. Most pediatricians offer a variety of services for children and their parents

Services may include:

Evaluating a child’s growth and development

Education about children’s safety, lifestyle, and breastfeeding

Administering immunizations

Detecting problems such as developmental disorders and behavioral difficulties

Diagnosing common illnesses such as ear infections and stomach flu

Prescribing medications

How are Pediatricians trained?

Pediatricians must complete the requirements set by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP).

Tips for Choosing a Pediatrician

Get Referrals

Start with a referral list from your own doctor. You can also ask family, friends, and other healthcare providers for recommendations. If you’re new to an area, ask your former pediatrician for a referral in your new town. Then, take the time to research the pediatricians’ credentials and experience on As you narrow your list, visit open houses that many practices offer so you can learn about the practice. You can also make appointments to meet and interview the pediatricians

Research the Pediatrician’s Credentials

Board certification is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a pediatrician. It tells you that the doctor has the necessary training, skills and experience to provide healthcare for your child. Also confirm that the pediatrician has no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions. You can find the pediatrician’s medical school, training hospital, certifications, and malpractice and disciplinary history on and state websites.

Consider the Pediatrician’s Experience

Parents call upon their pediatrician for everything from well-child visits and routine physicals to allergy and chronic headache treatments. So experience matters. The more experience a pediatrician has, the better your results are likely to be. If your child has a specific condition, such as ADHD, ask how many patients with the condition the pediatrician has treated. If you know that your child will need a specific procedure, ask how many of the procedures the doctor has performed and find out about complication rates—complications the doctor has encountered as well as your own risk of complications.

Consider Gender

Most likely, your baby or toddler will not care whether a doctor is male or female. While you may have your own preference for your child, think about the years to come. For example, embarrassment or fear of a pelvic exam or breast exam may be a reason that a teenage girl would prefer a female doctor. If gender is not something you want to base your decision on right now, consider choosing a larger practice with both male and female doctors.

Consider Office Atmosphere

You may be spending a good deal of time at your pediatrician’s office if you have an infant or very young child. Make sure you are comfortable with the practice and that your child’s needs will be met. For example, are there separate waiting areas for sick visits and well visits? Does the office have a small play area or other ways to keep your child occupied while you wait? How many people are waiting? How does the office staff treat you and other parents and patients? Is the pediatrician part of a group practice? Ask about after hours urgent care and what happens if your pediatrician goes on vacation.

Plastic Surgery Board Certification Explained

How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon

THE WORD “PLASTIC” doesn’t just refer to a man-made, petroleum-based substance that’s currently choking the world’s oceans. It also means that something is moldable or flexible, and when this term is used in relation to surgery, it conjures up images of Hollywood stars with perfectly chiseled noses, bountiful breasts and taut tummies. But there’s much more to plastic surgery than just face-lifts and breast implants; the medical specialty has its origins in reconstructing body parts after major trauma or surgery to remove disease or deformity

The American Board of Plastic Surgery reports that “plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, craniomaxillofacial [head, mouth, skull and face] structures, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, external genitalia or cosmetic enhancement of these areas of the body.” Whether you’re trying to enhance your bust line for aesthetic reasons or reconstruct a breast after a mastectomy to treat breast cancer, the plastic surgeon is the doctor to help you achieve your goal.

There’s nothing inherently illegal about practicing outside your area of specialty, although Maman notes he would likely be held liable for malpractice if the procedure went wrong. “As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I can decide that I’m going to remove a brain tumor if I want. There’s no state law that prohibits you from doing that. Once you have a medical degree, you can do whatever you want. The problem is, I don’t know how to do that and the patient’s not going to do well.”

Therefore, just like you would carefully research and select a board-certified neurosurgeon to remove a brain tumor, Maman says it’s important to find a board-certified plastic surgeon to handle any and all plastic surgery procedures you’re considering. “The key is choosing a plastic surgeon who’s board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, period,” he says. The ABPS reports there are about 6,800 board-certified plastic surgeons currently practicing in the United States. The ABPS is the only specialty board for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures that’s recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the gold-standard certifying body for specialty boards.

Beyond board certification, Maman says, “a big indicator [of a surgeon’s skill] is gallery photos. The surgeon should be able to show the patient photos of similar patients who’ve undergone that procedure,” and he says it’s important that the photos the surgeon shows you are of patients who are similar to you. “Having 100 photos of a tummy tuck is great, but they have to show you a patient who looks like you. Not every patient is the same. One might be 32 years old, one might be 58 years old. One might be thin, one might be fat. The key is showing [examples of] patients who look like you and fit your age and demographic, skin color, etc.”

How to Choose a Cosmetic Surgeon

If you are considering cosmetic or plastic surgery to your body (breasts and face are the most common locations), don’t overlook the importance of choosing the right surgeon, as not all are equally trained or competent. Consider the following tips when researching for potential plastic surgeons.

Ask a friend or trusted doctor for a referral. Use the advantages of word-of-mouth to find a plastic surgeon. Friends who have undergone a cosmetic surgery, operating room nurses, or surgical technicians who have worked with a cosmetic surgeons can help point you in the right direction

Make sure the surgeon is board certified. Ensure that your doctor has actually graduated from an accredited medical school and ask for board certification information. By law, any medical doctor can perform virtually any medical procedure, so make sure they are a trained specialist in the surgery you need.

Ask about their experience. Once you’ve established they are a board certified surgeon in the specialty you require (such as breast augmentation or face lift), ask about their experience. Find out how many times they’ve done your type of surgery and when the most recent time was. Some doctor who focuses on breast implants, may occasionally do face lifts to augment their income, for example — avoid this situation

Check the doctor’s record. Thanks to the internet, it’s easier now than ever to do research online from your home, so use this to your advantage by checking your doctor’s record. The status of your doctor’s license can be found through their state licensing boards. Pick surgeons with clean records and no history of serious discipline or malpractice.

Tips for Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

A Personal Decision

Having reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery is a big decision. It can change your life by correcting a defect or improving the way you look and feel about yourself. Choosing a plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you can make. How do you find the best plastic surgeon who is right for you? Here are some important factors to keep in mind.

Get Referrals

Start by asking your primary care doctor for a referral list of plastic surgeons. You can also ask family, friends and other healthcare providers for recommendations. Take the time to research the doctors’ credentials and experience on As you narrow down your list, call each plastic surgeon’s office to see if he or she is accepting new patients. If so, ask for a consult appointment to meet and interview the plastic surgeon.

Research the Plastic Surgeon’s Credentials

Board certification is one of the most important factors to consider when you are choosing a plastic surgeon. It tells you that the doctor has the necessary training, skills and experience to perform plastic surgery. Also confirm that the plastic surgeon has no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions. You can find the plastic surgeon’s medical school, training hospital, certifications, and malpractice and disciplinary history on and state websites.

Consider the Plastic Surgeon’s Experience

Experience matters when you’re considering plastic surgery. The more experience a plastic surgeon has with a condition or procedure, the better your results are likely to be. Such experience allows the plastic surgeon to prevent surgical complications and promptly recognize them if they occur. Ask how many patients with your specific condition the plastic surgeon has treated. If you need a specific procedure, ask how many of the procedures the doctor has performed and find out about complication rates—complications the doctor has encountered as well as your own risk of complications.

Consider Gender

It’s important to feel comfortable with your plastic surgeon’s gender because you will need to openly discuss personal information. When it comes to plastic surgery, your own gender is also an important consideration. Cosmetic plastic surgery has traditionally focused on female patients. However, men also seek the benefits of plastic surgery and their needs are often different. Ask the plastic surgeon about his or her recent training and experience specifically related to your condition and your gender.

tips for picking a good plastic surgeon

Make sure the surgeon is board-certified

This one, say experts, is a no-brainer. For plastic surgery, you want a doctor who’s certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It’s simple: The American Board of Medical Specialties’ Web site will tell you if a doctor is board-certified in plastic surgery.

Check the surgeon’s record

Trobaugh says she never would have gone to Adams if she’d known he had two malpractice judgments against him. She could have found that out easily by going to the Medical Board of California’s Web site.

Ask if the surgeon has hospital privileges

Even if you’re having a plastic surgery procedure at an outpatient clinic, it’s worth asking where the doctor has hospital privileges, because hospitals do background checks, says Dr. Rod Rohrich, past president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. “If they don’t have hospital privileges, that’s a huge red flag,” he says.

Come armed with questions for the doctor

One crucial question for your potential surgeon is how often he or she does the procedure you’re interested in. “If I’m coming to you for a facelift, you’d better do it almost weekly,” says Rohrich, who’s also chairman of the department of plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Be wary of multiple procedures

Trobaugh says when she went to Adams, he suggested three procedures. “When you bundle procedures, the risk goes up,” says Stuzin, the plastic surgeon

How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon

The decision to finally start the journey towards achieving the look you desire can be equal parts exciting and nerve-racking. Cosmetic surgery is a major decision that has the potential to be very rewarding, but your results largely depend on the ability of your plastic surgeon to interpret what you envision for the outcome and make it a reality.

Board certified, or bust. A superior level of training and experience is often communicated through accreditation by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). When your plastic surgeon is board certified, you can find comfort in knowing he or she has been vetted and tested by one of the most respected medical specialty boards in the nation.

Check out their credentials. Along with their accreditation status, research your prospective surgeon’s professional memberships, hospital affiliations, and recognitions. Active participation in national organizations like the ABPS, as well as employment with local hospitals, can convey the ability to stay up-to-date with best practices in plastic surgery

Look at before-and-after photos of similar patients who have undergone your procedure of interest. Try to assess whether the results achieved align with your expectations and hopes for the outcome.

Trust your gut! Meet with a potential plastic surgeon to make sure you feel comfortable and confident in their care. This can be the most important aspect of the research process.

Trends In Pediatric Critical Care Nursing

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist?

The difference between a general dentist who treats children and a pediatric dentist is additional education and specialized training to provide the best clinical care and a positive experience. Pediatric dentists are specifically trained to diagnose, treat, and manage conditions particular to children.

All dentists receive similar dental training and must earn an undergraduate degree and attend dental school where they receive either a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD). Pediatric Dentists then complete another two to three years of additional intensive pediatric dental training specifically focused on treating the unique dental issues of children and teens, including those who are disabled or have special needs.

The pediatric dentists of Great Beginnings chose to focus their dental careers on treating children and adolescents. The office is designed with a child’s comfort in mind with a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Specialized pediatric dental instruments are used to provide optimal care for developing teeth. Staff members are experienced in working with children and know how to make kids feel comfortable and safe. The Great Beginnings Team lives the mission of working together to create smiles for a lifetime.

Reasons to Choose a Specialist

Family dentists practice general dentistry for people of all ages, but a pediatric dentist spends all day every day treating only kids. Here are a few reasons to take your child to a specialist:

  1. We’re kid experts! Pediatric dentists get an extra two to three years of special training to treat children of all shapes and sizes from itty bitty infants to growing teens. Read about the specialized training details from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
  2. Did you know our practices look more like playgrounds and amusement centers? Colorful murals decorate our walls. Toys and video games fill our play areas. It’s where all the cool kids hang out!
  3. Whether your child is super shy or super chatty, a specialist knows how handle every personality that walks through the doors.
  4. Worried about your tike’s pacifier use, thumb sucking or bottle feeding? They can show you how to tame your child’s bad habits.
  5. Baby teeth get cavities, too. A pediatric dentist is trained to work on tiny teeth.

When to see the dentist

As a rule of thumb it is time for a dental visit when your baby’s first tooth becomes visible or they reach 12 months old – whichever comes first. If you notice anything you think is out of the ordinary before this time it’s better to be safe than sorry, so book an appointment straight away. The earlier your child visits the dentist the better. Prevention is better than cure and early dental visits will help protect your child from tooth decay


1. Don’t tell your child to be brave (they already are)

2. Don’t bribe your child

3. Don’t tell your child that it won’t hurt (or it will)

4. Don’t use the dentist as a deterrent or punishment

5. Don’t be anxious yourself

Evaluating the Office

Once you’ve gotten the name of a dentist you want to try, meeting her in person and seeing the office can help you determine if she is the right fit for your child. Consider these questions from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Before the visit, ask the office:

  • Does the dentist have special training or interest in treating children?
  • Is the dentist a member of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry?
  • Is the dental office set up for children? For example, does it offer toys, books, games, or child-sized furniture?
  • How does the dental office manage emergencies? (Many practices have an answering service available during off hours.)
  • Is the office conveniently located near your home or your child’s school?
  • Does the practice accept your dental benefit plan?

After the visit, ask yourself:

  • Was your child seen promptly?
  • Were you asked for a complete medical and dental history for your child?
  • Was the dentist gentle but thorough when examining your child’s mouth?
  • Did the dentist or staff talk to your child, encouraging her involvement in dental health?
  • Were you informed about your child’s tooth development, the causes and prevention of dental disease, and appropriate dental care at home?
  • Were your questions treated with concern and respect?
  • Was the visit positive for your child?

Pediatric Dentist Skills and Qualifications

Pediatric patients present some unique challenges. Fondness for children is a must, not to mention extensive patience and a warm, personable bedside manner. After completing a bachelor’s degree and dental school, specialty training is required to practice pediatric dentistry.The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry also offers additional (and optional) certification. Once fully trained, pediatric dentists have the following skills:

  • Interpersonal skills – patience, adaptability, and compassion are critical to explaining complex medical topics toyoung patients and listening to their concerns
  • Strong ethics -pediatric dentists must adhere to government regulations, such as those stipulated under HIPAA and OSHA, as well as any policies set forth by their practice
  • Manual dexterity– smaller patients and smaller tools mean pediatric dentists need excellent hand-eye coordination to safely treat their patients
  • Teaching – pediatric dentists instruct children and their parents on the best practices of oral hygiene, in addition to mentoring students and associates
  • Critical thinking – good judgment and perception are necessary to accurately evaluate patients and devise treatment plans
  • Administering medicine – anesthetics and sedatives must be used properly and with great care to ensure patient safety and comfort